
Friday, August 30, 2019

What are forces

What are forces?
Make a copy of this document and save it in your Inquiry folder.
Slide 1:
Find the definition of what these forces are. Can you find two more examples of forces that exist in our world? List and explain them in the table below. Blog your findings with the WALT and a photo that demonstrates a force acting upon something.

WALT: Understand that forces are all around us and are a part of our everyday life
Definition of the force
Example of the force
Gravity means oxygen and what Gravity is a force of attraction that pulls together all matter anything you can physically touch.
Gravity is when is drop something    it will still be in the air. 
An electromagnet is a magnet that runs on electricity. 
We come in contact with electromagnetic radiation every day and there are examples visible everywhere.
Friction is the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another. It is not a fundamental force, like gravity or electromagnetism.
A person sliding down a slide is an example of sliding friction.

The spring force is the force exerted by a compressed or stretched spring upon any object that is attached to it. 

The force exerted by gravity on 1 kg = 9.8 N. The force exerted by gravity on 5 kg = ______ N.
the state of being stretched tight.
Tension is physical or mental strain, the force created by pulling something tight or a strain in a relationship. An example of tension is the feeling of working to meet an established deadline. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Magic Carpet

The Magic Carpet 

It was morning I woke up and I felt hungry but I didn't have any money to buy anything so I walked around watching them buying food and eating it to I was so hungry I looked at the food and took it then someone saw he taking food without buying it so the lady said the man at the shop she said that this boy was running away then the man called the police to get but they don’t know where went so the police couldn’t find him anywhere so the police went while no one was looking so I ran with the food somewhere where no one knows where I am so I went back home and ate my food. For a while he was alone he looked outside looking at the people walking to they home. 

The Climb

It was one cold snowy day this man wanted to climb up to the
highest mountain so he took his warm jacket and warm long pants
then he went to go buy some food just in case he gets hungry so
he went into the car and dove all the way the mountain  one step
at a time because the mountain be sloppy so that why he took one
step at a time. So he climbed from morning to night he was almost
there he kept on climbing up but while he was climbing there he
saw that he made it to the top he was so happy to reach to the top.
But he had to climb down to the ground so that he can go home
but he was so tired that he stayed there and slept there until

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fractions of a number

WALT: find and calculate a fraction of a whole number. 
Fraction lesson 5 finding the fraction of a whole number.

I liked doing fractions and learning what the whole number and it was easy to do.